Arise, shine, for your light has come.
The glory of the Lord has risen upon us.
Lift up your eyes and look around:
Though darkness may cover the earth, the dawn of God will shine for us.
Then nations shall come to your light,
And our hearts will rejoice!
—based on Isaiah 60:1-5
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the light of the world. Guide us in our worship this morning, that, like the wise men who followed your star, we may bow down to you in reverence, and arise with the wisdom of God. This we ask in your Name. Amen.
God our Creator, your kindness has brought us the gift of a new year. Help us not to cling to yesterday, nor covet tomorrow, but to accept the uniqueness of each day. By your love, celebrated in your word, seen in your Son, brought near by your Spirit, take from us all we need carry no longer, that we may be free again to choose to serve you and be served by each other.
We believe that God forgives and sets us free, and at the year’s beginning we commit ourselves to follow where Christ calls and to love one another. We ask this in his Name. Amen.
—Common Order, Church of Scotland (alt.)
Merciful God, we gather in your presence on this, the first Sunday of 2025, to give you thanks for your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you that he is the light of the world, and we trust that he will accompany us each day of this new year.
We praise you for the hope with which you have filled our hearts, for your faithfulness that inspires our trust in you, and for the love of family and friends.
But this morning and throughout the year to come, fill us with compassion for those who face bleak days. Help them to discover new possibilities in life and to regain hope, the strength to go on, and the courage to act. We pray for those who do not know love, whose lives have been destroyed by violence, or whose spirits have been broken by indifference. Open our hearts to understand; open our lips to speak the words of kindness; and open our hands to reach out to those in need.
Hear us now in the silence as we bring to you our concerns for our neighbors near and far.
[A silence is kept.]
Lord Jesus, as your appearance in the world drew laborers in the field nearby and the wise ones from distant lands, so draw all people to you that the world might be united under your gracious rule. For we ask this in your Name. Amen.
—inspired by German Reformed Liturgy
Everlasting God, you are the radiance of all who seek you in faith. We thank you that you have filled the world with the light of Christ, and brought us into his brightness. The light of his star invites us into his presence. May his glory now rise in our hearts as you send your Holy Spirit to settle on the gifts of bread and wine, so that we may discern in them his body and blood. May that same Spirit fill your people, uniting them into one body dedicated to love and service. We pray this in Christ's holy Name. Amen.
The Light has sought you, the Light has found you, and the Light has kindled within you the flame love. Go forth now as a light shining in the darkness showing others the path home to God: In the Name of the + Creator, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.