Reformation Sunday

October 27, 2024

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble; therefore we will not fear.
Though the earth should quake and the mountains shake and topple into the depths of the sea.
There is a river, whose streams make glad the city of God.
God is in the midst of the city;

22nd Sunday after Pentecost

October 20, 2024

How dear to us is your dwelling, O Lord of hosts!
Our souls long for your courts; our hearts rejoice in the living God!
Happy are those who dwell in your house, always singing your praises.
Happy the people whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on the pilgrim way.
For the Lord blesses us with grace and glory.

21st Sunday after Pentecost

October 13, 2024

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.
May God grant us a spirit of wisdom that we may come to know him.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Enlighten our hearts, O God, that we may know the hope of our calling.
—from Prov. 3:5-6, Eph. 1:17-18

The Reflection of God's Glory

Sermon for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost
October 6, 2024

When we’re younger, other people see it in us—they see our parents in the way we look or the way we act or the things we say. I never paid much attention to this as a kid, or even as a younger adult. But now that I’m on the edge of Medicare, I see it myself. I look in the mirror and I see my grandfather’s neck and my father’s nose—not their neck and nose when they were in their

World Communion Sunday

October 6, 2024

Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Happy are all who take refuge in him.
People will come from the east and west, from the north and south, to eat in the kingdom of God.
The last will be first and the first will be last.
—Ps 34:8, Luke 13:29-30

For and Against

Sermon for the 19th Sunday after Pentecost
September 29, 2024

A few weeks ago, my preaching text came from the Proverbs. And one of the weird things about the Proverbs is that, for a big part of that book, we have lost the context of these individual sayings. This means that, for chapter after chapter, each individual verse just sits there by itself.