We praise you, O God our Creator.
You made us and you provide us
with both daily bread and living water.
Like a shepherd you guide us along the right paths,
forgive us when we go astray,
and bring us back to the way.
We praise you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Whether we go down the right paths or the wrong,
you do not leave our side.
When the road we follow leads us through the shadows,
when we must face challenge or pain or even death,
we need not fear, for you are with us:
the wood of your cross lifted high above us,
we know that there is nothing you have not yourself faced,
no place where you are unprepared to defend us.
We praise, O Holy Spirit.
You unify us around your table,
freeing us to include both friend and foe
in our perception of your infinite love.
You anoint us to be children of the Most High;
our lives overflow with your good gifts.
We praise you, O God, Three-in-One.
Just as you lead us,
your goodness and your forgiving love follow us wherever we go.
Thank you that in you we are at home forever more. Amen.