By the Currawong's Call

Welton B. Marsland's By the Currawong's Call (Sydney: Escape, 2017) is a love story set in a small town in the 1890's Australian Outback. The main characters are Matthew, the newly arrived Anglican priest, and Jonah, the local police sergeant. The relationship that develops between the two is realistic, and the situations in which they find themselves are true to the period. The best part of the book, however, is the dialogue between the two. It is clearly written by a native Australian, and the conversations are natural and are the main vehicle by which the plot is moved along. It is probably the most realistic description of the development and consequences of a same-sex romance of the Victorian era that I've ever read.

I would gladly read more novels by this author. I might even read Currawong again. It rolls a ⚅.