Advent 2 Communion Prayer

Let us lift our hearts in prayer and gratitude:

Eternal God,
we thank you that through the ages,
your promises ring true,
and that in good times and bad,
you are Immanuel—
you are present with us and among us.

We thank you for the hope you have planted within us—
our undying faith in a Child born for us,
a Son given to us,
upon whose shoulders rests authority,
whose Name is Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
and Prince of Peace.

So as we sit at his table, we pray for his peace:
a peace not as the world gives,
but a peace beyond human understanding—
not just the absence of conflict,
but the presence of justice and freedom
for all your belovèd children.

Send, therefore, your Holy Spirit to rest upon these gifts,
that in this bread we may discern his body,
and in this wine we may taste your goodness
and see your love.
And grant us your peace, O God;
by your grace, make us to realize our oneness
with Christ, with each other, and with all who do your will.
This we pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord,
who taught us to pray:

Our Father...