Guard the Treasure

In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise, in God I trust.
Psalm 56:10-11a
The historic Reformed faith teaches that the preaching of the world of God is the word of God. On the surface, this may sound like an unhealthy exaltation of the person behind the pulpit. But the point of this teaching is not to glorify the preacher, but the word being preached.

On the one hand, if what is found in God's word is shared, we need not worry about the one sharing it. Regardless of the imperfection of the vessel, what it contains is praiseworthy and credible. 

And on the other hand, there can be no expectation that another word will be sent from heaven. The one which we have received is sufficient for our salvation and edification. 

The United Church of Christ these days uses a comma as one of its symbols, alongside the catchphrase "God is still speaking." The point of this, I assume, is to emphasize something written to the Mayflower Pilgrims before their departure for the New World: The Lord hath more truth and light yet to break forth out of his holy Word. Though we should treasure the word that has already been given, we should always be open to new insights regarding what that word teaches us.

Slogans are easy. More difficult is knowing the difference between a new teaching and a new insight. Therefore I should pray daily for the discernment to know which is which.

Guard the good treasure entrusted to you, with the help of the Holy Spirit living in us.
 2 Timothy 1:14
Prayer after Meditation:
Open to me, O Spirit of Truth, the treasures of your holy word, that my soul may be continually enriched, and that I may abound in every good work.
 F.B. Meyer
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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