- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:13 Prélude: Show Me Thy Way
- 02:22 Welcome
- 03:55 Opening Sentence: Psalm 25.9-10
- 04:12 Opening Prayer
- 04:32 Lord's Prayer
- 05:04 Song: He Leadeth Me
- 06:55 Scripture Reading: Genesis 9.12-16
- 08:04 Message
- 13:01 Pastoral Prayer
- 13:40 Song: O Love, That Wilt Not Let Me Go
- 14:50 Communion Prayer
- 15:37 Institution/Fraction
- 16:29 Benediction: Numbers 6.24-26
- 16:43 Response: Go Now in Peace
- 18:36 Postlude: Deep in God's Heart
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