The Christ of God

Can mortals make for themselves gods? 
Jeremiah 16:20
In ancient times, people fashioned idols out of stone or wood or precious metals. Such, of course, were not divine in any way, but some people still believed in their power to grant fertility or influence the weather. Most of us probably think we have left such ideas in the dustbin of history. But we are no less likely to create our own gods than were our ancestors—it's just that we build them in the workshop of our imagination and not the woodcarver's or stonemason's workshop. 

We need constantly to be aware that the Christ we would have for ourselves is not necessarily the Jesus whose life is recounted in the gospels. We too often forge for ourselves a resurrected Savior who did not undergo the crucifixion, or One who accepts us as we are but rejects those we disagree with or misunderstand. To comprehend the truth of Christ is to accept the Christ of God, not a human-made Messiah that does not offend the sensibilities of the culture we live in.

We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
 1 John 5:20
After thinking about today's devotion, pray this hymn text:
Jesus, Savior, we would see you, lifted high upon the tree; 
bearing there our sins and sorrows, setting us forever free. 

Jesus, Teacher, we would hear you, hear your voice and it alone;
learning lessons you would teach us, speaking words that you would own. 
Jesus, Master, we would serve you, fill each day with loving deeds; 
comfort those whose hearts are weary, and, like you, supply their needs. 
Seeing, hearing, learning, speaking, serving daily, faithfully; 
may all see in us, your family, all that you would have us be.
 John B. Devins (1902), alt.
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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