They will perish, but you endure.
✙ Psalm 102:26
We seem to think that love is a zero-sum game. For example, there are Christians today who think that their love for God negates their love of the planet. In a way, I suppose, they're right. The scriptures make it plain that the Creator is infinitely greater than anything created. We cannot confound respect for humans with worship of the Divine. And God is eternal, while (according to Psalm 102) heaven and earth "will perish."
But it's possible to respect the planet and its living creatures, while still worshiping God alone. In fact, if we truly love God, then we will take seriously our responsibility to wisely preserve what's been placed in our care. If heaven and earth are to perish, it is the height of arrogance to believe that their destruction should be by our hand.
The example of the attitude disciples should have toward God and God's creatures is found in Jesus Christ, who placed the commandment to love our neighbors second only to the one that tells us to love God. And though he did not directly address contemporary concerns about conservation and ecology, he did direct his followers to use as few of the earth's resources as possible. Has Christ somehow changed his mind as some disciples have become more affluent?
So by all means, remember that the Creator is eternal and the creature is not. But out of love for God, we should also love what God has made. Love, after all, is not a zero-sum game.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
✙ Hebrews 13:8
Help me to love you with all I've got, O God. And because I love you, may I also lovingly care for the gifts you have placed in my care.Prayer after meditation:✙
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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