- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:23 Prélude: With Palms and Hosannas
- 01:49 Welcome
- 04:11 Call to Worship: Psalm 118.19-23
- 04:38 Opening Prayer
- 04:59 Lord's Prayer
- 05:27 Song: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
- 07:10 Scripture Reading: John 12.12-16
- 08:04 Prayer for Illumination
- 08:32 Message
- 13:33 Prayer of Confession
- 14:26 Assurance of Pardon
- 14:42 Communion Prayer
- 15:54 Institution/Fraction
- 16:47 Benediction
- 17:17 Response: Go Now in Peace
- 19:11 Postlude: Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow
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