After being apart for more than a year, the congregation of Pilgrim Christian Church finally gathered for in-person worship in the sanctuary. As you'll see in the video at the bottom of this post: There was an organist and a soloist (who played the guitar), but the congregation didn't sing. The message was based on Mark's account of Jesus' resurrection. I nearly broke down during the sermon. Communion was with pre-sealed elements. But for the most part, it was a glorious Easter, and the church was as full as it could be to allow for any social distancing at all.
The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!
00:00 • Prélude: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
04:00 • Welcome
08:00 • Call to Worship (from Psalm 126)
08:32 • Opening Prayer
09:00 • Lord's Prayer
09:34 • Song: Low in the Grave He Lay (Christ Arose!)
10:37 • Scripture Reading: Mark 16.1-8
12:02 • Solo: In Christ Alone
16:08 • Prayer for Illumination
16:25 • Sermon
28:00 • Bible Verse for 2021: Romans 5.5
28:13 • Pastoral Prayer
30:31 • Song: Thine Is the Glory
31:46 • Communion Prayer
32:54 • Institution/Fraction
34:49 • Closing Prayer
35:25 • Benediction: Go Now in Peace
37:27 • Postlude: Mozart's Alleluia
Thank you to Bill Arotin for today's camera work!