Look to God

Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed.
Psalm 34:5
Throughout the scriptures, we're told not to "ground our hope" (as Calvin put it) on earthly things. Be grateful for the blessings of life, yes. But hope for something more if you seek true happiness; that is, look to God. This will not prevent suffering—indeed, people of faith feel pain as acutely as anyone else. But placing our hope in God also helps us place problems in their proper context and view the storms of life in the light of the cross: In my pain, I can identify with the Crucified One.

It's easy to say (or write) this, of course. But when hard times come and suffering becomes real, faithfulness to God is beyond human ability. And so we turn to the One in whom we would have faith. Thus in good times and bad, we are incomplete without God. Faith places both joy and pain in their proper context. May we ground our hope not on the things of earth, but in the reality of heaven, which calls us to trust in God and love our neighbors.

Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.
 Romans 12:12
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
Graciously hear us, Lord, for you alone we seek. Quiet us with the peace which passes understanding, and make us radiant with the knowledge of your goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
 Roman Catholic Liturgy of the Hours
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.

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