God's Yardstick

Happy are those who consider the poor; the Lord delivers them in the day of trouble.
Psalm 41:1
Just about all of us are aware of the fact that the U.S. measures things differently. With the possible exception of Liberia and Burma (or so I'm told), we're the only country left on earth that doesn't make much use of the metric system. In fact, our ignorance of it is a point of pride among many Americans. 

I've lived in three other countries, and in all of them knowledge of the metric system was required. I got used to it. But, as international as I like to think of myself, I never really liked it. And still today, when I encounter it, I admit it bothers me. For example, I love to watch the Great British Baking Show (as it's called in this country). But every time they talk about measurements for their recipes, I can't help but think, "How unappetizing." Food should be measured in tablespoons and cups—not in grams and milliliters. 

God also has a unique measuring system. I'm not talking about cubits and spans. I'm talking about the way God measures our faithfulness. We see it in the law of Moses, in the psalms and prophets, in the epistles, and in the Gospel of our Lord. The way we treat the least among us is a dependable measure of how much we trust God, and how committed we are to the path of Christ. 

May God free me this day from my own preconceived (and usually incorrect) notion of what's fair, and give me eyes to see, a heart to love, and hands to serve.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
 Matthew 5:7
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
Righteous God, we live in a world where human life is exploited and abused. Violence is taken lightly, and people are often viewed as objects. Images of hunger and war flash before us until we become nearly hardened. If we have taken on these values of the world, forgive us. Grant us tender hearts, help us to reflect your righteousness, and give us courage to challenge the wrongs we see; through the power of the Holy Spirit.✙ 
 Chalice Worship

After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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