
Last Sunday after Epiphany: February 19, 2023


As Christ was transfigured on the mountaintop, we come to be transformed by God.
May God’s word shine in our lives.
Extol the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy.
We praise the awesome Name of the Lord!

Lord Jesus Christ:
Before you turned your face toward Jerusalem,
you showed yourself on the mountaintop to be the glorious Son of God.
Reveal yourself to us in this morning’s worship service.
In ways both accustomed and unexpected,
meet us where we have gathered,
that we may better understand who you are,
and who we are in your Name; 
for it is in that Name that we pray. Amen.

O God of the transfigured Christ, in your mercy,
transfigure us and the whole word,
till the glory of Christ is seen in the most unexpected places.

Transfigure our educational system, our healthcare system,
and our system of social welfare.
Transfigure our government, business and industry,
and our justice system.
Transfigure our families, our friendships,
our neighborhoods and workplaces.
Transfigure our missions and outreach—
all our dealings with refugees and those in need.
Transfigure the church universal, the United Church of Christ,
the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),
and this congregation in Chardon,
as we meet for worship, learning, fellowship, and service.
And finally, O God, in your boundless grace, transfigure us:
enrich our faith, renew our hope, and transform us in love.

God of both the plain and the mountain, of sacrifice and of vision:
Let us live in the light and glory of your love
today and for all time to come;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
—adapted from Bruce Prewer, Australian Prayers

O God of grace, you loved the world so much
that you sent your beloved Son to dwell with us.
As he was transfigured on the mountain peak,
so transform us until your love shines through all we say and do.
Accept these gifts,
and bless them, that they, too, may reflect your glorious light.
We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

As we part company today,
let us reflect Christ's glory in the world:
May the light of Christ shine
in the lives of those who need to know God’s love,
in places where there is injustice,
and in a world that longs for peace. 
Go forth in the Name of God, 
 Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit. Amen.