A Thanksgiving Prayer

Let us thank God for the blessings of life,
even as we ask for forgiveness
for taking them for granted and misusing them:
For food on the table, for roofs over our heads,
for clean and plentiful water,
we are truly thankful, Lord,
and we ask you to forgive us when we hoard our blessings.
Give us faith to share our plenty that others may have enough.

For parents and grandparents, for brothers and sisters,
for sons and daughters, for spouses and partners,
and for all who reflect to us the human dimension of divine love,
we are truly thankful, Lord,
and we ask for your pardon when we take them for granted.
Help us to be family to those who have no one,
and to protect individuals
who are caught up in abusive family systems.

For neighbors and colleagues,
for friends both near and far,
and for all
who share the joys and sorrows
of our daily lives,
we are truly thankful, Lord.
Forgive our indifference to the lonely;
and we pray for the grace
to offer our friendship,
and for needed insight
into respecting healthy boundaries.

For this nation,
where we are free to worship and to assemble
and to express ourselves as our hearts and consciences dictate,
we are truly thankful, Lord,
and we ask your for forgiveness
for the ways our nation has fallen short of its own ideals,
and for the violence we shelter.
Give us courage to speak the truth to power
that we might one day re-join
the ranks of those seeking peace and justice.

For those whose jobs minister to us in factories,
on farms, in restaurants, in shops, in call centers,
in hospitals, and in schools, we are truly thankful, Lord.
Forgive us when we are impatient with them
or make their jobs more difficult;
and give us voices to call for fairer salaries,
as well as equal access to all the benefits of a wealthy society.

For our church, for Christians throughout the world,
for people of other faiths
who share our journey
toward a just society and a peaceful world;
and even for those of no confession
who yet struggle by our side for the improvement of society,
we are truly thankful.
Forgive us when we are closed-minded,
and give us wisdom to see the truth
in places other than our own religion.

And for those who remind us of our responsibility to our neighbors—
for the weak and the destitute,
for those who need protection and support,
for those who need healing and nurture,
for the imprisoned and oppressed,
and for all whose voice often goes unheard—
we are truly thankful.
Forgive us, Lord, when we ignore their cries,
and give us Christ-like hearts
that we may love you with all our hearts
and our neighbors as ourselves.

For these and for all your good gifts, O God of life,
we thank you in the Name of Jesus Christ,
who with you and the Holy Spirit,
lives and reigns as one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.