- 00:00 Prélude: Whenever the Heart Turns to the Lord
- 02:00 Welcome
- 02:59 Explanation of the Ashes
- 03:36 Opening Sentence: Joel 2.13
- 03:57 Opening Prayer
- 04:25 Lord's Prayer
- 04:53 Call to Confession
- 05:33 Prayer of Confession: Palm 51 (Morning Song)
- 07:55 Scripture Reading: Matthew 6.19-21
- 08:29 Message
- 15:46 Song: I Have Treasured Your Word in My Heart
- 16:20 Blessing of the Ashes
- 16:52 Imposition of Ashes
- 17:16 Invitation to the Table
- 18:30 Communion Prayer
- 19:38 Fraction/Institution
- 20:31 Benediction
- 21:01 Response: Go Now in Peace
- 22:56 Postlude: Jesus, I Will Ponder Now
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