- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:15 Prélude: Create in Me a Clean Heart
- 02:47 Welcome
- 04:15 Opening Sentence: Psalm 51.8, 10
- 04:33 Opening Prayer
- 05:05 Lord's Prayer
- 05:44 Scripture Reading: John 12.20-25
- 07:04 Song: Now the Green Blade Riseth (Steve Winwood)
- 09:52 Message
- 16:59 Song: Now the Green Blade Riseth (instrumental)
- 18:05 Pastoral Prayer
- 19:30 Communion Prayer
- 20:21 Institution/Fraction
- 21:10 Song: One Bread, One Body
- 25:25 Benediction
- 25:51 Response: Go Now in Peace
- 27:48 Postlude: The Lord, the Seed of Life, Is Sown
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