Words of Life

I rejoice at your word like one who finds great spoil.
Psalm 119:162
Jesus fed thousands by the lakeshore with just five loaves of bread and two fish. So great was this miracle that everybody ate their fill, and afterwards, there was more left over than there had been to begin with—a great deal more.

But the impromptu feast was not all the nourishment the crowds received that day. Jesus followed it with an explanation that he himself was the true bread—that is, that which gives life to and sustains the world. And this teaching was so challenging that most of those who came to have their bellies filled did not stick around to have their lives fulfilled.

Those who did stay by his side had no choice. They heard something the others didn't. They heard truth... and the very promise of God. It was a promise of forgiveness, and community, and abundance. All heard the same words, but only a few listened. Whenever the path gets rocky or narrow or goes straight uphill, our Lord allows us to choose: Do you also wish to turn aside? And those who truly believe answer:

Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.
 John 6:68
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
No voice but thine can give me rest,
and bid my fears depart;
no love but thine can make me blest,
and satisfy my heart.

What anguish has that question stirred,
if I will also go?
Yet, Lord, relying on thy Word,
I humbly answer, No!
 John Newton
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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