Open My Eyes

The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
Psalm 146:8
We find that the eye is the symbol of the window or the outlook of the soul; that which portrays our intelligence, our conception. It is the spiritual part of our being without shadow or blur. Open the eyes of your spirit to Him. Do you remember anyone who gave us a little word about this? To the Ephesians Paul says that ever since he had heard of them and their faith he had not failed to pray for them. For what did he pray? That, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints [Eph. 1:18]

The eyes are likened unto the deep places—the eye of the soul, the eye of the inner being. Paul was praying that the Ephesians' eyes might be opened and that they might behold the glorious revelations, the wisdom and knowledge hidden away in this wonderful Lord and Master. 

Have you ever made a study of the prayers of Paul? In doing so I am sure you will be surprised to find the general burden of them to be different from what we might think. He does not ask God to bless the groups whom He has taken out of the world for His name and in all the services and undertakings in which they might be interested. No, his prayers always center about the question of their growth and development and understanding in the things of God.
 John Wright Follette (1884-1966)
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
Open mine eyes, O Lord, 
open mine eyes; 
into my darkened heart 
let thy light arise. 
Show me myself, O Lord, 
show me thyself, O Lord, 
show me thy truth, O Lord, 
open mine eyes!
 Clarence Johnson (1916)
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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