Thanksgiving Confession

He who planted the ear, does he not hear? He who formed the eye, does he not see?
Psalm 94:9
Jesus talked about prayer quite a bit in his Sermon on the Mount. And in preaching on Matthew 6, John Wesley had this to say: The end of your praying is not to inform God, as though he knew not your wants already; but rather to inform yourselves; to fix the sense of those wants more deeply in your hearts, and the sense of your continual dependence on him who only is able to supply all your wants. It is not so much to move God, who is always more ready to give than you to ask, as to move yourselves, that you may be willing and ready to receive the good things he has prepared for you.

Today is a day in the United States traditionally associated with shopping and materialism. Perhaps the most appropriate prayer to pray, therefore, is one of confession, for we often fail to order our lives as God intends, forgetting to pray when we ought.

Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
 Matthew 6:8
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
O God, as our Father you have lavished on us gifts of life abundant. But we must confess that we have often used your gifts carelessly, and acted as though we were not grateful. When we enjoy the fruits of the harvest, but forget they come from you, then in your mercy, forgive and help us.
When we are full and satisfied, but ignore the cry of the hungry and those in need, when we are thoughtless, and do not treat with respect or care the wonderful world you have made, have mercy on us; forgive and help us.
When we store up goods for ourselves alone, as if there were no God and no heaven, God, in your mercy, forgive and help us.
Grant us thankful hearts and a loving concern for all people; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
 Chalice Worship
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.

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