The Fullness of God

Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord. 

Psalm 31:24
Brothers and sisters, God is infinitely willing to give the choicest gifts of divine love to us all, to gladden, to enrich, to adorn, to make stable, and to help us to stand. But God cannot give them without our trust. It pleased God that in Christ, all fullness should dwell.’ That alabaster box was brought to earth. It was broken on the Cross that ‘the house’ might be ‘filled with the aroma of the ointment.’ Our faith is the only condition; it is only the condition, but it is the indispensable condition, of our being anointed with that fragrant anointing. Christ, and only Christ, can give us the fullness of God.
 Alexander Maclaren

Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand.
 Romans 5:2 (NLT)
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
God of all mercy, your Son brought good news to the despairing, freedom to the oppressed, and joy to the sad; fill us with your spirit that the people of our day may see in us his likeness and glorify your Name.
 A New Zealand Prayer Book
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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Text selection ©2021 Evangelische Brüder-Unität. All scripture quotations from the New Revised Standard Version, unless otherwise noted.