January 29 Prayer of the Day

In the morning on the first day of the week, 
we return to you, O God,
for you are the beginning in which there is no end.
And so we come to the source 
seeking identity and renewal.

In you we find ourselves,
for yours is the word 
whose power brought us into being;
yours is the image in which we were created;
yours is the Name into which we were baptized.
Forgive us for seeking ourselves in things that are temporary,
things that—in the end—do not matter.
Help us to be satisfied with who we are in you,
and grant us contentment in your service.

In you, O God, we find refreshment,
for you are the living water which springs forth to life eternal.
Help us in today’s worship service to listen for your word,
and give us grace to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
Comfort us in the shadow of his cross
and grant us fullness in his empty tomb.

We pray not only for ourselves, but for one another.
May each of us know that we are loved in this place,
and may we be emboldened
to reach out to others in the strength of that love.
And may our boldness include the courage
to be witnesses for peace and justice
in a world that has forgotten that it belongs to you.

All this we pray in the Name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
who with you and the Holy Spirit, reigns as God forevermore. Amen.