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On the day I called, you answered me, you increased my strength of soul.
Psalm 138:3
Yesterday, I meditated on God's call to us—a call that draws us from the prison of walking the world alone to the broad places of freedom to follow Christ. But servants of God are not just at the receiving end of God's call. We are also free to call back.

In the Hebrew Bible, a shepherd whom God had called to lead his people met with resistance. The powerful king God had chosen him to replace was out to kill him. But he called to God, and was answered with patience, courage, and strength. Centuries later, outcasts are told not to bother asking for God to hear their cries, for they are not the right kind of people. And yet, through a man named Jesus, they find that they too are beloved members of God's family.

Sometimes we place limits on what's possible, because if we can't find a way out, we don't trust God to, either. And sometimes we're told that we're a second-class class citizen, or church member, or family member. We're an immigrant, or our skin's the wrong color, or we have no money, or we're gay or lesbian or transgender. There's always somebody who'll look down on us.

If you cry out to God, God, who thinks no one else on earth is better than you are, will answer in love.
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on him.
 Romans 10:12
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
I am praying, blessèd Savior, for a faith so clear and bright 
that its eye will see thy glory through the deepest, darkest night.
Thou who knowest all my weakness, thou who knowest all my care, 
while I plead each precious promise, hear, oh, hear and answer prayer. 
 Fanny Crosby (1889)
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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