A Prayer for Labor Day

We praise and thank you, O God,
for creating and ordering the world.
We thank you that in the ordering of time,
you have given us six days to labor and one day to rest.
And today, as we rest from our labors,
as we pause to worship you
and to celebrate your presence in our lives, 
we thank you for the gift of work.
We thank you for the opportunities
to serve others
through the gifts that you have given us.

We thank you for those who surround us
and make our lives easier and more meaningful
through the sharing of their gifts in the work that they do.
For those who farm and work in factories,
for healthcare workers and teachers,
for those in offices and those in markets and shops,
for those who help us on the phone or serve us our food,
we give you thanks.
Keep all workers safe in their labors,
and grant that they may be paid a living wage
and have access to healthcare and education.
Help us, too, to play our part in their happiness:
May we treat those who work on our behalf with patience and respect.

And finally we pray for those who are unemployed,
for those who must work two or three jobs just to make ends meet.
We pray for those who are mistreated,
for those whose working conditions are unsafe,
and for those in faraway lands whose underpaid labor
enables us to buy inexpensive goods.
Hear us now in the silence of our hearts
as we pray for these and for the other concerns
that lie heavy upon us this morning…

[A silence is kept.]

All this we lay before you in the strong Name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, God forevermore. Amen.